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spill [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈspɪl/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/spɪl/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(spil) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'spill' (v): (⇒ conjugate)The past form "spilt" is mainly used in UK English. It is correct in US English, but rare. The past form "spilled" is correct in both US and UK English.spillsv 3rd person singular spillingv pres p spilledv past (US & UK)spiltv past (Mainly UK)spilledv past p (US & UK)spiltv past p (Mainly UK)

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 spill [sth]⇒ vtr (cause liquid to fall out) (液体)SCSimplified Chinese 使溢出,使溅出,使泼出  Rachel knocked the glass over and spilled the milk that was inside it.  蕾切尔撞翻了玻璃杯,里面的牛奶泼了出来。 spill [sth] vtr (disgorge contents)SCSimplified Chinese 让...散落,让...掉出  Bill dropped his bag and spilled the contents onto the floor.  比尔的包掉了,里面装的东西掉了一地。 spill⇒ vi (liquid: fall out) (液体)SCSimplified Chinese 洒,泼出 sǎ,pō chū TCTraditional Chinese 灑  The jug fell and the milk spilled, spreading across the table in a large puddle.  罐子倒了,牛奶洒了出来,在桌子上蔓延出一大片。 spill vi (non-liquid contents, people: fall out) (非液体的物品)SCSimplified Chinese 散落,掉出 sàn luò  The bag burst open and its contents spilled onto the carpet.  袋子破了,里面装的东西掉在地毯上。 spill n (instance of spilling)SCSimplified Chinese 泼洒  The spill caused a terrible mess on the carpet.  泼洒的东西把地毯弄得一团糟。 spill n (thing spilled)SCSimplified Chinese 溢出物 yì chū wù   SCSimplified Chinese 泼出物  Patricia mopped up the spill with a towel.  帕特丽夏用一张毛巾擦干净了泼出物。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 spill n informal (fall)SCSimplified Chinese 坠落 zhuì luò   SCSimplified Chinese 摔下,摔倒 shuāi xià,shuāi dǎo  Ben broke his arm in the spill.  本在摔倒的时候摔坏了手臂。 spill n (taper for lighting fire, candle, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 长梗火柴   (用来点火、蜡烛等)SCSimplified Chinese 纸捻  The chemistry teacher used a spill to light the Bunsen burner. spill n AU (politics: vacating of positions) (政治: 澳大利亚)SCSimplified Chinese 党内改选 spill vi (people, contents: come out) (人等)SCSimplified Chinese 蜂拥而出 TCTraditional Chinese 蜂擁而出  The cinema doors opened and people spilled onto the pavement.  影院的门开了,人们蜂拥而出,涌到人行道上。 spill [sth]⇒ vtr colloquial (divulge secrets)SCSimplified Chinese 泄漏 xiè lòu  As soon as the police started questioning him, the criminal spilled everything he knew about the robbery plot.  警方一开始审问罪犯,他就将自己所知道的关于抢劫计划的一切都抖搂出来了。 spill [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (disgorge people/contents)SCSimplified Chinese 使撒落,使散落   SCSimplified Chinese 使下车,使下船  The bag burst open and spilled its contents onto the ground. The car door opened suddenly and spilled Arthur onto the pavement.  袋子爆开了,里面装的东西散落了一地。  车门突然打开,亚瑟被甩到了人行道上。 spill [sb]⇒ vtr (cause to fall out or off)SCSimplified Chinese 使...摔下来   SCSimplified Chinese 让...掉下来  The car door opened suddenly and spilled Arthur onto the pavement. The horse bucked, spilling its rider.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语英语中文 spill over with [sth] vi phrasal figurative (be full of: emotion) (感情)SCSimplified Chinese 满溢着 TCTraditional Chinese 溢出  He is spilling over with happiness since she asked him to marry her.  自从她向他求婚以来,他洋溢着幸福的感觉。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 oil spill, oil spillage n (petroleum spillage)SCSimplified Chinese (海上的)浮油 hǎi shàng de fú yóu   SCSimplified Chinese 漂油 hǎi shàng de fú yóu,piāo yóu   SCSimplified Chinese 漏油 hǎi shàng de fú yóu,lòu yóu  The oil spill has contaminated more than 100 km of coastline. spill blood vtr + n (wound or kill)SCSimplified Chinese 屠杀 tú shā TCTraditional Chinese 屠殺   SCSimplified Chinese 屠戮  The terrorists have spilled the blood of innocents in the name of their cause. spill out vi + adv (overflow)SCSimplified Chinese 溢出 yì chū TCTraditional Chinese 溢出   SCSimplified Chinese 涌出 yì chū,yǒng chū   SCSimplified Chinese 掉出  Sally fell over, dropping her purse so that all its contents spilled out. spill over vi + adv (liquid: overflow)SCSimplified Chinese 溢出 yì chū TCTraditional Chinese 溢出   SCSimplified Chinese 泼出 yì chū,pō chū  I didn't turn off the tap in time to stop the water in the sink from spilling over.  我没有及时关掉水龙头,无法阻止水从水槽里溢出来。 spill over [sth] vi + prep (liquid: overflow)SCSimplified Chinese 从…溢出 TCTraditional Chinese 從…溢出  The river spilled over its banks during the spring flood.  在春季发洪水期间,河水溢过了堤岸。 spill over into [sth] v expr figurative (overflow)SCSimplified Chinese 蔓延到 màn yán dào   SCSimplified Chinese 延伸到 màn yán dào,yán shēn dào  Try not to let your personal problems spill over into your work life. Civil unrest and rioting is starting to spill over into other suburbs.  尽量别让你的私人问题蔓延到工作中去。内乱和暴动开始蔓延到其他郊区。 spill over into [sth] v expr (go on longer than expected)SCSimplified Chinese 延长到,拖到  Tania could see that her work was going to spill over into the weekend again.  塔尼亚看得出自己的工作又要拖到周末了。 spill the beans v expr figurative, informal (divulge [sth]) (比喻,非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 泄密,说漏嘴,露马脚 xiè mì,shuō lòu zuǐ,lù mǎ jiǎo  John can't keep a secret: I knew he'd end up spilling the beans about the party. spill the tea v expr slang (share gossip)SCSimplified Chinese 爆料   SCSimplified Chinese 聊八卦 spill your guts v expr informal, figurative (confess [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 坦白 tǎn bái TCTraditional Chinese 坦白   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: spill [spɪl] (pt, pp spilt or spilled)I vt [+ liquid] 使溢出 shǐ yìchū II vi [liquid] 溢出 yìchū to spill sth on/over sth 将(將)某物洒(灑)在某物上 jiāng mǒuwù sǎ zài mǒuwù shang spill out vi 1 [people] 蜂拥(擁) fēngyōng 2 [things] 流出 liúchū 3 (from container) 散落 sànluò spill over vi 1 [liquid] 溢出 yìchū 2 ▶ spill over into [conflict, tension] 发(發)展成 fāzhǎnchéng 在这些条目还发现'spill': 在英文解释里: boil over - overflow - slop - slosh - splatter 中文: 泼 - 溢出 - 溢流 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Water, Irregular verbs, 更多……同义词: overflow, pour, run, flow, slop, 更多……习惯性搭配: spill [prevention, control], spill [coffee, oil, milk], spilled [coffee] on his laptop, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'spill' 的论坛讨论:

oil spill contingency plan to spill on the floor a collapse there be an oil spill - English Only forum a flurry/spill - English Only forum a paper spill - English Only forum a spill of grit - English Only forum a water spill - English Only forum An uncontrollable spill of scarlet now in this scene - English Only forum attend to a spill? - English Only forum bent-an-ear, spill-of-speech - English Only forum Do „Get sth off your chest“ and „spill your guts to smb“ have the same meaning? - English Only forum fall or spill - English Only forum flour spill - English Only forum Horse spill - English Only forum I usually spill my guts to Linda - English Only forum In 2015 / this year, over 200 spill incidents from the company's oil platforms were so far recorded - English Only forum It's your dime, spill it - English Only forum let some foam - English Only forum many feared would spill into renewed conflict - English Only forum Mop up the spill/the spilled milk. - English Only forum oil spill hits coastline - English Only forum oil spill to three rivers took place in Mexico - English Only forum Overflow / Spill over,out - English Only forum People spill out on to the pavements - English Only forum Please do not spill your writing outside the box? - English Only forum please don't spill down the food in the floor - English Only forum Pour, shed and spill - English Only forum pour/spill the bag - English Only forum Shed/Spill - English Only forum spill the tea and not to wipe ... - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'spill'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "spill" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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